
When you have a physical complaint, whether acute, chronic, or from the teeth, your first reaction can often be fear. You take action to get rid of this complaint as quickly as possible. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and also in Germanic medicine, for example, physical complaints are seen as a form of healing. They say that the body signals that there is a disturbance somewhere and the complaint comes out as a healing mechanism.

Traditional medicine always looks at the source of the complaint, examining where the body has become out of balance. I treat all my clients the same way.

By now we know from science that substance follows energy, in this sense emotions, feelings, thoughts and trauma experiences can underlie disturbances in the physical body. From the chronology of this psycho-emotional history, I often read a pattern along which the physical complaint slowly crystallizes. As a signal of underlying unresolved energetic traumas. This vibration undermines the life energy or Qi.
Through which all kinds of unconscious complaints can remain dormant, such as ...

With the EAV measurement, I am able to measure how that distribution of Qi energy (bio photons) is distributed throughout your various hormone systems, organs and tissues. For example, when a hypo or hyper situation occurs in your body. After the measurement, we will see what method we can use to rebalance this imbalance. This is possible within my practice through electroacupuncture sets, Homeopathy, adapted nutrition, exercise, herbs and/or orthomolecular supplementation. Or through treatment with Nikola Tesla's new Violet Ray wall (see below for more info).

Regarding the teeth, we know from TCM that each tooth is connected to the rest of the body through meridians. After I use the EAV measurement to examine which meridians are out of balance that underlie the complaints in the teeth, the dental complaints can be treated by biological dentists and implantologists. For clients far from the region, I consider connections with biological practitioners in their own region. You take the report of my consultation to one of these practitioners.

For complaints of a root canal treated molar or tooth and to restore meridian flow through resonance, The Golden helix® can be placed. This is now also possible with several dentists.

To make an appointment, please contact 06-25022996 directly.

Vision of health

Collaboration between mainstream medicine and complementary alternative medicine (CAM) is one of the most important developments of our time.

From my education and work experience that connects both directions, I have found that it provides a greater perspective for both practitioner and client in both the diagnostic and treatment phases.

In my practice, I experience that the client feels heard and seen through this approach, which I believe is an essential part of successful treatment.


Experiences in our daily lives can affect our health through thoughts and feelings. Our overall physical and mental health is determined in part by a complex collection of feelings, thoughts, nutrition, exercise, breathing, stress and relaxation.

Cause and effect

Physical complaints can be very diverse and at first glance seem to have no connection to the underlying cause. In my practice, I use various techniques to look for the source of your complaint.