Appointment Consultations
For an EAV measurement ( see explanation EAV in menu under: TREATMENT ) of your physical and/or dental complaints, please make an appointment by phone with Alexander at:
Tel 06 250 22 99 6
Due to increased traffic it is no longer possible to call in the evening hours, you can call during the day to make an appointment Monday through Friday. If we cannot answer you immediately, you will be called back at a later time.
For an appointment, please visit Haarlem or Voorburg.
We do not treat acute (pain) complaints, for acute (pain) complaints, you should contact the (emergency) dentist, your family doctor or the emergency room phone number: 112
Preparing for the appointment:
EAV measurement (see in the menu under: treatment, for more info) involves measuring points on fingers, feet and/or on the face (for teeth). No caffeine before the consultation. No metal jewelry and clean feet and socks, no foundation on the face. If you are using regular medication please bring the names of these.
If you come for the dental EAV consultation, please send your recent OPT (dental overview photograph), at least 2 days in advance to the e-mail address provided to you.
Before making an appointment, please review the general terms and conditions have read.
A treatment agreement is signed at the beginning of the consultation. You can download your (or an additional ) copy here and bring it to the consultation for signature. download pdf treatment agreement
- €175
Intake consultation: Physical EAV and Dental EAV, plus - €50 uitgewerkt EAV verslag met Complementaire adviezen (o a supplementen/ remedies) verstuurd via zorgmail voor u, uw ( bio) tandarts en/ of ( bio) implantoloog. ( Indien u bent doorverwezen door uw behandelaar wordt het verslag ook rechtstreeks aan uw behandelaar verstuurd)
- This consultation requires an OPT/OPG (this is an overview photograph of the entire set of teeth) no older than 1 year (request it from your practitioner).
- €175
- Intake consultation: Naturopathy + EAV physical + report with Complementary advice.
- € 175
Intake consultation: Classical Homeopathy & Repertorization + EAV physical + report with Complementary advice. - €90 follow-up consultations/treatment consultations.
Please note: No alcohol 24 hours before treatment and no caffeine until 12 hours before the consultation.
It is possible to book a consultation in Haarlem as well as in Voorburg. The duration of all intake consultations is 75 minutes.
If you are unable to come to the appointment please at least 48 hours in advance otherwise the consultation fee will be charged.
2theCore Paramedic Naturopathic CAM Therapist is affiliated with the professional association BATC. If your supplementary health insurance has affiliation with the BATC you may be eligible for reimbursement. Alexander Kruijtbosch works according to the five nature-oriented principles of the BATC, click here for more information.