The gold helix®️ is a pulpal marker with bioenergetic properties for (biological) root canal treatment.
When the nerve of an "element" (a tooth) is inflamed, the nerve can no longer heal on its own and the element will become "avital" (no longer viable). It is then necessary to undergo treatment. One can preserve the element by performing root canal treatment or 'extract' (remove) the element and possibly replace it with a bridge, prosthesis or implant. In biological dentistry, root canal treatments are always a point of discussion.
Root canal treatment involves removing one or more inflamed nerves from the main canals of the tooth. The main canals are then thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and filled. However, despite the fact that this treatment can be very effective, the thousands of side canals emanating from the main canals cannot always be disinfected 100%. As a result, bacteria can still prevail over time. Such residual inflammation is a slow chronic process that often goes unnoticed because the nerve has already been removed and one then feels no pain. This residual inflammation puts additional strain on the immune system. Not only does the element become very brittle due to the hollowing of the nerve canals and loss of blood vessels, the pathogenic bacteria created in the breakdown process can migrate to other parts of the body. With all the negative consequences for the client's overall health.
Thereby, in biological dentistry, we also assume that all the teeth are connected to the meridian system and so the teeth have a close connection to the overall health of the body. So by removing the nerve(s), there may also be a blockage in energetic flow. Research has shown that there is a continuous energy flow of biophotons ( light waves :in English UPE: Ultra weak Photon Emission) in our body. The biophotons are mainly produced by the mitochondria and provide optimal cell communication through electromagnetic bio resonance. Research has shown that the energy flow of biophotons is important for overall health.
This continuous energy flow is called the "Qi" (life energy) in traditional Chinese medicine. The places where these biophotons accumulate in the human body become visible in bio resonance photography on the hands and feet, exactly where also in EAV ( electro acupuncture according to Voll) the measuring points of the different meridians are located.
Since it is an unhealthy situation to keep walking around with an inflamed tooth, and we have no choice but to remove the nerve(s), we see the bio-oriented client, aware of the situation, consider an extraction. A ceramic implant then offers a solution, but not every client can afford it financially and still chooses to keep the tooth with all the short- and long-term risks involved.
For Alexander Kruijtbosch, this was a reason to think about how we could improve the root canal treatment, at least temporarily, so that it would support the physical properties of the element and the corresponding meridian more, and give the client more time to prepare spiritually/ mentally and financially for final extraction and e.g. implant. Because of this, Alexander came up with the idea of a helix shaped pulpal pen: the Golden Helix.
The golden helix can provide a temporary interim solution. The element should be monitored annually by the practitioner. In view of eventual decay of the affected element, the golden helix is not recommended for longer than over a period of 5 to 7 years. For a long-standing root canal treated element, the Golden Helix is not recommended.
Naast dat het skelet van de helix meer stevigheid kan bieden aan het steeds brosser wordende wortelkanaal behandeld element zien we In de natuur en in de techniek de spiraal vorm terugkeren wanneer er informatie moet worden opgevangen, versterkt en worden doorgegeven.
Zoals in de stroomkring bij een electrospoel waar de elektriciteit door een tot spiraal gevormde koperdraad wordt geleidt en hierdoor een elektromagnetisch veld wordt opgewekt. Bij licht en geluid door middel van resonantie , zoals in onze gehoorgang de spiraal vormige cochlea de geluidstrillingen ( informatie) opvangt , versterkt en weer doorgeeft.
De pijnappelklier de lichtgevoelige klier die zich bevindt in onze hersenen heeft de vorm van een dennenappel , de symmetrische vorm van deze kegel is gebaseerd op twee tegengestelde maar complementaire spiraalbewegingen.
Alexander figured that the golden helix because magnetic field lines are able to create a small electromagnetic field within the avital element in resonance with its own biophoton flow, this would allow the element to not only monitor meridian flow, but also affect the multiplication of pathological bacteria. After all, in an avital element, this protection is lost due to the loss of nerve and blood circulation.
Research has been done on the influence of electromagnetic fields on pathological bacteria in the oral flora at the University of Belgrade : see below link to article.
The Golden Helix is a patented invention of Alexander Kruijtbosch 2theCore healing therapist . The Golden Helix can be placed by a dentist working with Alexander in biological dentistry. First, in a combination consultation, both dental diagnostics and additional energetic diagnostics are done. Then, in the case of an inflamed nerve, a root canal treatment is performed using as many biological materials as possible. After this, the Golden Helix is used.
There are several practices in the Netherlands where the Golden Helix is placed. You can contact Alexander for more information. When the Golden Helix is found suitable by your practitioner in your situation it can be placed. If you would like to know if a Golden Helix is suitable in your case or if you are interested in other possibilities, please contact Alexander.
De Gouden Helix® is een gepatenteerde uitvinding van Alexander Kruijtbosch 2theCore geneeskundig therapeut. De Gouden Helix kan geplaatst worden door een tandarts die met Alexander samenwerkt in de (biologische) tandheelkunde. Voor tandartsen die geïnteresseerd zijn om in de praktijk de Gouden Helix in te zetten kunnen contact opnemen met Alexander Kruijtbosch op tel +31 (0) 625022996.
The Golden Helix® is a patented invention of Alexander Kruijtbosch 2theCore medical therapist. The Golden Helix can be placed by a dentist who works with Alexander in (biological) dentistry. Dentists who are interested in using the Golden Helix in practice can contact Alexander Kruijtbosch on tel +31 (0) 625022996.
Alexander Kruijtbosch (2theCore)
Brkovic, S., Postic, S., & Ilic, D. (2015). Influence of the magnetic field on microorganisms in the oral cavity. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 23, 179-186. X
DISCLAIMER 2thecore and Golden Helix
You are kindly requested to read this disclaimer.
In the collaborations between Dentists/implantologists and 2theCore, there is no employment or any other conflict of interest, the responsibilities and obligations are therefore separate from each other at all times.
2theCore uses EAV diagnostics and the Golden Helix. The EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll) method was developed based on Eastern medicine. the Golden Helix was patented by Alexander Kruijtbosch (2thecore naturopathic therapist) in 2016 and can be used by a (biological) dentist as a pulpal marker within root canal treatment. The EAV methodology and the Golden Helix are not scientifically verifiable/provable according to current research methodologies of mainstream Western medicine. As a result, the EAV methodology and the Golden Helix are not considered scientifically proven.
We would also like to inform you 2theCore naturopathic therapist, like all other health care providers, has an obligation of effort and is not liable for the diagnosis and outcome of treatment.