EAV measurement
With the Electro Acupuncture Voll meter (EAV), it is possible to take a painless measurement by measuring through various meridian points on the hands, feet and face. Meridian teaching is part of acupuncture, a treatment method from traditional Chinese medicine.
In this measurement, I mainly look at the meridians connected to the organs, hormonal systems and the teeth.
These include the pituitary gland, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, adrenal glands, etc. When these systems become out of balance, all kinds of physical complaints can develop from them.
Allergy meridian
The allergy meridian is a meridian that runs across the middle finger. With an EAV measurement we can see if it is out of balance. If the allergy meridian is out of balance it can be the cause of a variety of chronic physical complaints. There may be hidden intolerances/allergies, for example to certain foods, metals, E-numbers, etc. As a result, you may suffer from fatigue, recurring headaches, gastrointestinal problems, skin problems or painful joints and muscles. If there is a food intolerance, it is possible to detect the cause of this intolerance through a simple blood test (the blood test is not included in the consultation fee and you must request it yourself from an external provider)
Dental Check-up
During a Dental Check-up, in addition to the meridians on the hands and feet, certain meridians on the face that connect to your teeth are also measured.
It is then possible to detect focal inflammations, amalgam/metal load , energetic disturbance fields and underlying physical disturbances. I also look at the connection of the affected teeth with the underlying organ meridians. Neglected elements, root canals, diseased or a-vital elements in the teeth can be the cause of physical complaints and vice-versa. For treatment and or re-treatment of the teeth, please contact your(Biological) dentist or implantologist.